Friday, July 17, 2009

Always looking ahead

I always look ahead. I always plan, make to do lists and hardly ever live in the now. It's a trait my husband hates. He is totally the opposite. He doesn't like planning and likes to do things on the fly. This really drives me crazy. I need planning, structure, organization, to do lists, and a map of how things are going to lay out. I'm not as up-tight as it sounds but I don't feel properly prepared if I don't plan ahead.

That all being said I've finally ordered the kids school curriculum for the next year and I'm getting really excited about it. (Usually get it ordered in April) I'm anticpating this fall....Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. I'm hoping to be at my home instead of on the road but that is one thing we can't really plan on unless this job has ended. The only thing about being on the road is the uncertainty of how long we will be at one location. If I knew for certain, then I could....plan. When I get hooked on an idea I seem to have a small amount of OCD. That's another trait my husband seems to dislike. He's so patient with me though. I'm like a kid waiting on Christmas.....I think about all the wonderful things yet to come and it seems that it takes FOREVER for them to arrive. I know that I've got to be patient for things and let the chips fall where they may but I'm a planner by nature.

My husband jokes and says "If I let you have your way you'd plan our whole lives". He's right. I've already pictured how I'd like it to go down, but up until now it really hasn't gone as planned. But I guess nothing in life ever really goes as planned does it?

1 comment:

Bridget said...

Hi, I found your blog through famlies on the road. We are thinking about becoming full timers. I don't know anyone who has done this so I am looking for advice. I have 5 kids and wonder about doctor appts or orthodontic appts etc. I'd love to be in touch. We plan to start our new journey in the next couple months. We are shopping for a coach now:) Scary but exciting! Any advice would be greatly appreciated! you can email me at